Become an Official

How to become an Official:

2022-23 Registration Steps (Steps 1-5 MUST be completed in the order shown)

  1. Register as an official with USA Hockey (official’s registration must be completed separately from player/coach registration). Access the USA Hockey registration website
  2. If you are 18 years of age or older AND require a background screen, you will be notified of this during the USA Hockey registration process. Please obtain your background screen during this process.
  3. Wait a minimum of 24 hours for USA Hockey to transfer your current registration data to WHOA.
  4. Obtain your USA Hockey Officials number (this number is 5-7 numerals in length and contains NO letters). All officials receive this number via email upon completing their USA Hockey registrations. Officials who received a card/crest for 2021-22 can find this number on their 2021-22 card.
  5. Register for your REQUIRED WHOA/USA Hockey Officiating seminar and pay your REQUIRED WHOA registration fee (steps are completed concurrently) . It is a WAHA rule you must attend a USA Hockey sanctioned seminar administered by WHOA at the same level for which you registered with USA Hockey in step #1. Officials must be 12 years of age by December 31 of the current season to register with WHOA. WHOA Seminar Registration begins 8:00 AM July 23.
  6. If your birth year is 2005 or earlier complete your SafeSport requirements by clicking the hyperlink in the welcome email from USA Hockey.
  7. Complete your open book exam. It is strongly recommended to print the exam, look up the answer to every question, and transcribe your answers into the electronic test system. You must achieve a passing score of 80% or greater. Should you not achieve 80%, USA Hockey allows one (1) retake exam. If applicable, USA Hockey will email appropriate instructions for completing the retake exam.
  8. Attend the seminar chosen in step 5. You must attend the entire seminar (no exceptions for practices, playing in games, officiating games, etc.). You must bring your USA Hockey officials ID number (see step 4) and a device capable of Internet access to your seminar. This allows you to log your attendance at the conclusion of the seminar.
  9. Register with DCHOA (Dane County Hockey Officials Association) to receive games and overall instruction on officiating. 

Contact with any questions.


Sun 08/21/22 Madison L1 Seminar Vitense Golfland

Sun 09/18/22 Waunakee L1 & L2 Seminar Waunakee HS

Sun 10/30/22 Janesville L1 Seminar Janesville HS

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